
Telephone Directory

Telephone Directory

S.NO Name of the member Designation Mobile Number
Dr. M. Srinivas Reddy Professor & Principal 9502588612
Dr.D.Shravan Kumar HOD, Pharm.D 8008961562
Dr. J.Raj Kumar HOD, Pharmaceutics 9381272131
Dr. M.Naveen Kumar HOD, Pharmacology 9849112878
Mr.A.Sravan Kumar IQAC Co-ordinator 9701825152
Dr.B.Radhika Dept of Pharmacognosy 9440557753
Mr.Ch.Subba Rao Dept of Pharmacognosy 9866323477
Mrs.G.Pranathi Dept of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9603998127
Mr.B.Ramesh Dept of Pharmaceutics 9550843954
Mrs.Rekhabai Thakur Dept of Pharmaceutics 9550693299
Mrs.T.Swetha Dept of Pharmacy Practice 9000284275
Mr.N.Thirupathi Reddy I/C Exam Branch 9849739997