
M.Pharm - Pharmceutical Analysis


Department Of M.Pharm - Pharmceutical Analysis

The Department was established in 2010 to provide a focus for Pharmaceutical Analysis at Vaageswari College of Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical analysis is a core department which is responsible for imparting knowledge in the field of modern instrumental techniques for B.Pharm, Pharm. D and all branches of M.Pharm. It involves basic research in identity, purity, content and stability of starting materials, excipients and active Pharmaceutical ingredients. Impurities usually stem from the synthesis of the active ingredients; they are usually monitored according to the ICH guidelines and the Pharmacopoeia standards.

The department is actively involved in the method development of synthetic and natural drugs, Pharmacokinetic studies, stability studies, elucidation of newly synthesized drugs using infrared spectroscopy, UV. The department of Pharmaceutical analysis has the modern equipments with good infrastructure facilities.

A broad knowledge of the Pharmaceutical analysis is disseminated to the students with an emphasis placed on both the academic and professional aspects of the subject and it prepares graduates and post graduates for entry into research programmes in the Pharmaceutical Analysis.

Core Competencies
  • The knowledge of method development and qualitative analysis and control
  • Ability to analysis drugs, formulations and intermediates
  • The spectroscopic techniques
  • An in-depth understanding of how drugs act within the body
  • Interpersonal and team-building skills
  • Communicating effectively
Career opportunities:
  • Analytical Chemist.
  • AR&D
  • QA & QC Department
  • Drug regulatory
  • Academics
  • Clinical trials
HOD's Message

"Dr. Malladi Srinivas Reddy is a professor and principal of Vaageshwari College of pharmacy. He has around 16 years of teaching and 2years of research experience. He bagged 30 publications in national and international journals. He received 2 seminar grants from SERB, and he published a book. He attend more than 35 Nationals conferences & 10 works shops"

Dr.M.Srinivas Reddy

-M.Pharmacy, Ph.D

Professor & Principal

  • To provide both theoretical and practical education to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of drugs, this fulfils one of the basic tasks of pharmaceutical studies.
  • The mission of the department is to enlighten the students about application of analytical techniques in accordance with the drug regulatory affairs, to make them realize the importance of method validation, bioanalytical techniques, understand development of quality assurance and quality control protocols as per GMP, GLP and cGMP guidelines.


List of Major Equipment in Department of Pharmacology:
  • HPLC with UV Detector (Agilent technologies)
  • UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu , Elico & Analytical)
  • Karl-Fischer Apparatus
  • Flourimeter
  • Flame Photometer
  • 1mg Balance (Shimadzu)
  • Conductivity Meter.


S.No Name of the Faculty Qualification& Department Mobile Number Experience PCI Reg.No. / JNTUH ID Photo
Dr.M.Srinivas Reddy M.Pharmacy, Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) 9866455957 19


Dr.M.Srinivas Reddy
Mrs.T.Sushma M.Pharmacy (Pharamceutcal Analysis) 8520910892 7


Mrs.G.Pranathi M.Pharmacy (PA & QA) 9603998127 9 6846-160314-201903 Mrs.G.Pranathi

M.Pharm - Pharmceutical Analysis

COs, POs & PSOs

Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
6612AA   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Gaine the knowledge in the field of Pharmaceutical Analysis. The various modern analytical techniques like UV-Visible, IR, NMR, Mass, GC, HPLC
2 Understand the chromatographic methods and other important topics are taught to enable the students to understand and apply the principles involved in the determination of different bulk drugs and theirformulation.
3 Know the students will also be in a position to apply their knowledge in developing the newmethods for the determination and validate the procedures
4 Understand the different chromatographic techniques like paper, ion exchange, gas, HPLC, etc
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS 6612AC   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Quantitative determination of various organic compounds is clearly
2 Know the spectral analysis, dissolution parameters and microbial assays are also learned
3 Gain knowledge on Microbiological assays and Biological tests:
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
COSMETICS AND COSMECEUTICALS 6612AG   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 know Regulatory biological aspects of cosmetics, excipients used for various formulations,
2 Know the designing of cosmeceuticals andherbal products
3 Know the Formulation Building blocks
4 Gain the knowledge on Herbal Cosmetics:
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
PHARMACEUTICAL AND FOOD ANALYSIS(Theory) 6612AB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Undersatand theFood constituents
2 Gain the knowledge on Food additives
3 Gain the  knowledge on Finished food products
4 Gain the knowledge Pesticides in food
5 Understand the Pharmaceuticals (API & Dosage forms)
6  Knowledge on food regulations and legislations
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
6612AJ 1 Understand research problem formulation
2 Analyze research related information
3 Follow research ethics
4 Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information Technology, but
tomorrow world will be ruled by ideas, concept, and creativity
5 Understanding that when IPR would take such important place in growth of individuals &nation, it is needless to emphasis the need of information about Intellectual Property Right tobe promoted among students in general & engineering in particular.
6 Understand that IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for further research work
and investment in R & D, which leads to creation of new and better products, and in turn
brings about, economic growth and social benefits.
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
661201   Upon the completion of the course student will be able to perform 
1 Know the Calibration of glasswares and  pH meter 
2 Understood the Calibration of UV-Visible spectrophotometer and FTIR spectrophotometer
3  Gain the the Knowledge on  Calibration of GC and HPLC
4 Understand the Cleaning validation of any one equipment and Imupurity profiling of drugs 
5 Know the Assay of official compounds by different titrations and instrumental techniques
6 Know the Estimation of riboflavin/quinine sulphate by fluorimetry; Estimation of sodium/potassium by flame photometry
7 Gain the the Knowledge onQuantitative determination of hydroxyl group and amino group, and Colorimetric determination of drugs by using different reagents
PHARMACEUTICAL AND FOOD ANALYSIS LAB 661202   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Learn about the determination of total reducing sugar, proteins, vitamins content in foods
2 Determine the saponification value, Iodine value, Peroxide value, Acid value of food products.
3 Understand the selection of analytical methods for analysis of synthetic colors in food products
4 Know very well about determination of  concentration of preservatives and pesticides residue in food products
5 Understand the selection of various analytical methods for determining food additives
6 Determine density and specific gravity of food substances.
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
VALUE EDUCATION 6612AP 1 Knowledge of self-development
2 know the importance of Human values
3 Developing the overall personality

                                  PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS IInd SEMESTER
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS I (Theory) 6612AV   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Understand the basic principles of HPLC and applications of HPLC.
2 Understand the chromatographic techniques like size exclusion, ion exchange, ion pair, affinity, gas and HPTLC.
3 Know basic concepts about SFC, CE and CE-MS hyphenation.
4 Understand the principles of mass spectroscopy, different ionization techniques, mass analysers and MS/MS systems.
5 Understand the NMR spectroscopy, 2D NMR techniques and LC-NMR hyphenation 
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
MODERN BIO ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES(Theory) 6612AW   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Understand the Extraction of drugs from biological samples
2 Understand the Bioanalysis and bioanalytical method validation:
3 Understand drug interactions, microsomal assays and toxicokinetics; and applications of LC-MS in bioactivity screening and proteomics.
4 Know Guidelines for BA/BE studies
5 Expalin Metabolite identification by microsomal approaches and drug product performance
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
NUTRACEUTICALS 6612BB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 The importance of Nutraceuticals in variouscommon problems with the concept of free radicals
2 KnowFood Laws and Regulations
3 Phytochemicals as nutraceuticals
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY & PHARMACOECONOMICS 6612AZ 1 Understand the various epidemiological methods and their applications
2 Understand the fundamental principles of Pharmacoeconomics
3 Identify and determine relevant cost and consequences associated with pharmacy products
4 Perform the key Pharmacoeconomics analysis methods
5 Understand the Pharmacoeconomic decision analysis methods and its applications
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DISASTER MANAGEMENT 6612AM   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 learn to demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts in disaster risk reduction and
humanitarian response
2 planning and programming in different countries, particularly their home country or the countries
they work in
3 critically understand the strengths and weaknesses of disaster management approaches
4 critically evaluate disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response policy and practice from
multiple perspectives
5 develop an understanding of standards of humanitarian response and practical relevance in
Course CourseCode Course Outcome Number specific types of disasters and conflict situations
ADVANCED INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS I LAB  661203   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the Determination of chlorides and sulphates by Nephelo -Tubmidimetry
2 Know the Determination of compounds of sodium, potassium and calcium by Flame photometry
3 Gain the knowledge on Estimation of riboflavin/quinine sulphate by flourimetry
4 Know the Assay of official compounds by potentiometric titrations and conductimetric titrations
5 Understand the Demonstration on ELISA, Quenching of fluorescence
6  Know the expermental procedure phosphate interference on absorption of calcium
MODERN BIO ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES LAB 661204   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Gain the knowledge on gel electrophoresis
2 Understand the sample preparation techniques and quantitativeanalysis of components by HPLC techniques.
3 Know the Isolation of analgesics from biological fluids (blood serum and urine)
4 Know the bioanalytical method validation
5 Identification of anti-histaminics drug in urine by TLC

Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
SCALE UP AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 66012BE   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the Manage the scale up process in pharmaceutical industry
2 Know theAssist in technology transfer
3 ToKnow the establish safety guidelines, which prevent industrial hazards
4 Know the  Process validation

M. Pharmacy II year II-Semester    ( PCI Regulation)
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
 RESEARCH WORK     Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Perform the work in the innovative and systematic way
2 Assemble the information into a more realistic draft ethically and conclude the contents.
3 Prepare the thesis by arranging the contents in a orderly manner and preparation of the research manuscript. 
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DISCUSSION/FINAL PRESENTATION     Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Prepare the presentation based on the results obtained in the research work
2 Explain outcome of their project along with further scope for research. This develops their oratory and leadership skills