
M.Pharm - Industrial Pharmacy


Department Of M.Pharm - Industrial Pharmacy

Industrial Pharmacy department was established in the year 2010. IP is a discipline of Pharmacy which deals with the formulation and development of old or new drug molecule into dosage form to provide safe, effective treatment to patient. Industrial pharmacists are responsible for quality control, using the latest technologies to research drug compounds, conduct trials to test medications for safety, and develop new drugs that save lives. The Master of Science program in Pharmaceutics with Specialization in Industrial Pharmacy prepares students for careers in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and for entry into Ph.D. programs in pharmaceutical sciences and other related fields

Core Competencies
  • Development and evaluation of Multi-particulate Drug Delivery Systems
  • Sustained Release Dosage Forms
  • Immediate release dosage forms
  • Ocular Drug Delivery Systems
  • Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems (including iontophoresis and sonophoresis)
  • Implants
  • Semisolid dosage forms
  • Microspheres
  • Nanopharmaceuticals (nanoparticles, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, dendrimers, etc)
Career opportunities:
  • R&D scientist
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Academics
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Quality control
  • Medical device industry
  • Medical device specialist.
HOD's Message

" Mr Sravan Kumar Aligeti, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Pharmacy. A well-known scholar, investigator, and expert in the pharmacy area. He has fifteen years of varied experience in both teaching and research. His research efforts have resulted in six papers being published in national and international journals, as well as participation in two international and twenty national conferences."

Mr. Sravan Kumar Aligeti

-M.Pharm., (Ph.D)

Associate Professor

  • Our vision is to be internationally and nationally recognize as a centre of excellence in pharmaceutics and drug delivery, as distinguished by our innovative work in research and education
  • Empowering the students with Creativity and Innovation in the field of Industrial pharmacy with a commitment toward basic human values.
  • Encourage the Student, industrial scientists and engineers with a fundamental understanding of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical aspects of dosage form design
  • To develop the knowledge in evaluation and manufacturing of all dosage forms.


List of Major Equipment in Department of Industrial Pharmacy:
  • Tablet dissolution apparatus
  • Tablet Compression Machine - CMAC (12 Station)
  • Tablet disintegration apparatus
  • Tablet coating pan
  • Rotary Evaporator
  • Stability Chamber
  • Brookfield Viscometer
  • BOD Incubator
  • Tray dryer


S.No Name of the Faculty Qualification& Department Mobile Number Experience PCI Reg.No. / JNTUH ID Photo
Mr. Sravan Kumar Aligeti M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) 9701825152 15 3026-150411-105153 Mr. Sravan Kumar Aligeti
Mrs.Rekhabai Thakur M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) 9550693299 10


Mrs.Rekhabai Thakur
Mrs.P.Maneesha M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) 7981925245 5 6658-210813-122132 Mrs.P.Maneesha

M.Pharm - Industrial Pharmacy

COs, POs & PSOs

Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS 6608AA   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 know particle size analysis method, solid dispersion, physics of
tablets, polymer classification and its applications,
2 know the factors affecting the dissolution
and solubility in related to invitro/invivo correlations
3 know the stability calculations,
shelf life calculations and accelerated stability studies.
4 know the rheology, absorptionrelated to liquids and semi-solid dosage forms.
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION DEVELOPMENT 6608AB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1  The Preformulation studies
2 The Pharmaceutical unit operations
3 Different machinery used for various steps in manufacture of various dosage forms.
4 Formulation and evaluation of hard and soft gelatin capsules and their advantages over other
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DRUG REGULATORY AFFAIRS 6608AD   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Students will come to know the different competent regulatory authorities globally.
2 Students be aware of technical aspects pertaining to the marketing authoritization application
3 The regulatory guidelines and directions framed by the regulatory authorities will be helpful to
place the drug products in market for marketing approvals
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
STABILITY OF DRUGS AND DOSAGE FORMS 6608AH   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 describe the evaluation of stability of solutions, solids andformulations against adverse conditions.
2 suggest the measures to
retain stability and storage conditions for retaining the efficacy of the products
3 Drug decomposition mechanisms
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND IPR 6608AJ   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Understand research problem formulation.
2  Analyze research related information
3  Follow research ethics
4 Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information Technology, but
5 Understanding that when IPR would take such important place in growth of individuals &nation, it is needless to emphasis the need of information about Intellectual Property Right tobe promoted among students in general & engineering in particular
6 Understand that IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for further research workand investment in R & D, which leads to creation of new and better products, and in turnbrings about, economic growth and social benefits
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
VALUE EDUCATION 6608AP   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Knowledge of self-development
2  Learn the importance of Human values
3  Developing the overall personality
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION DEVELOPMENT LAB 660802   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 the preformulation studies of solid dosage forms.
2 Accelerated stability testing of different tablets
3 To study pharmacokinetic models, to determine similarity factors
4 the effect of compressional force on tablet disintegration time,study the micromeritic properties of powders and granules
5 the effect of particle size on dissolution of tablets,the effect of binders on dissolution of tablets
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS LAB 660801   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Determinates of molecular weight of some selected polymers
2 Know the Preparation and evaluation of solid dispersions,Accelerated stability testing of Aspirin Tablets
3 Know the Stability evaluation of Aspirin at various pH and temperature conditions
4 Know the Preparation and dissolution study of paracetmol tablets and comparison with the marketedproduct
5 Know the Preparation and evaluation of multiple emulsions, Preparation and evaluation of β-cyclodextrin complexes of some drugs
6 Know the solubility and dissolution for few drugs and their respective salts
7 Know the  drug release from commercial suspension and emulsion dosage forms

Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS 6608AV   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the drugs for CDDS design of the formulation fabrication ofsystems of above drug delivery systems with relevant applications
2  Know the Design, fabrication, evaluation and applications
3 Biochemical and molecular biology approaches to control drug delivery of,Liposomes, Niosomes, Microspheres
Nanoparticlese, Resealed erythrocytes
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY 6608AW   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 know about the scale up and pilot plant techniques used for all
pharmaceutical dosage forms like tablets, capsules, parenterals, aerosols, cosmetics
2 Know the neutraceuticals
3  Know the Formulation development of parenteral dosage forms
4 Understand the Aseptic processing operation
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
NUTRACEUTICALS 6608AY   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 The importance of Nutraceuticals in variouscommon problems with the concept of free radicals
2 KnowFood Laws and Regulations
3 Phytochemicals as nutraceuticals
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 6608BB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the regulatory guidelines in GMP, GCP, GLP, USFDA, WHO, ISO
2 Acquire vast knowledge regarding the quality control aspects of differentregulatory bodies as per their requirements throughout the world.
3 Gain the knowledge on Good manufacturing practices
4 Know the Globalization of drug industry, present status and scope of pharmaceutical industry in India
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DISASTER MANAGEMENT 6608AM   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 learn to demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts in disaster risk reduction and
humanitarian response
2 critically evaluate disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response policy and practice from
multiple perspectives.
3 develop an understanding of standards of humanitarian response and practical relevance in
specific types of disasters and conflict situations
4 critically understand the strengths and weaknesses of disaster management approaches
5 planning and programming in different countries, particularly their home country or the countries
they work in
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS LAB 660803   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the Study on diffusion of drugs through various polymeric membranes
2 Know the Formulation and evaluation of sustained release oral matrix tablet,oral reservoir system
3 Know the Formulation and evaluation of transdermal films,mucoadhesive system
4 Know the Preparation and evaluation enteric coated pellets / tablets
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY LAB 660804   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the Preparation of four different types of semisolid forms and evaluation of their performance
using in vitro diffusion method
2 Know theEvaluation of test sterility for commercial preparations including sterile water for injection and
antibiotic injection.
3 Know theComparative evaluation of different marketed products (tablets) of the same API
4 Know theDissolution studies of drug in three different bio relevant dissolution media
5 Know theCollecting samples of environment of aseptic room and counting the colonies
6 Know theValidation of one-unit operation (eg. Mixing) and development of protocol

Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
SCALE UP AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 6603BB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Understand Manage the scale up process in pharmaceutical industry.
2  Gain the knowledge on Assist in technology transfer.
3 To establish safety guidelines, which prevent industrial hazards

M. Pharmacy II year II-Semester    ( PCI Regulation)
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
 RESEARCH WORK     Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Perform the work in the innovative and systematic way
2 Assemble the information into a more realistic draft ethically and conclude the contents.
3 Prepare the thesis by arranging the contents in a orderly manner and preparation of the research manuscript. 
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DISCUSSION/FINAL PRESENTATION     Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Prepare the presentation based on the results obtained in the research work
2 Explain outcome of their project along with further scope for research. This develops their oratory and leadership skills