
M.Pharm Pharmaceutics


Department Of M.Pharm Pharmaceutic

Pharmaceutics department was established in 2008. Pharmaceutics is the study of the quantitative aspects of drug delivery. It involves the design, development and evaluation of drugs in combination with an appropriate dosage form. A pharmaceutical scientist: characterizes physical properties of drugs, develops innovative delivery systems for drugs, and quantitatively evaluates drug ADMK and pharmacological activity in the living organism.

The Department of Pharmaceutics facilitates the ability of faculty and students to positively impact human health through the advancement of research and education in the pharmaceutical sciences. Bringing today’s leaders in research and education together to drive tomorrow’s innovations in the pharmaceutical sciences.

Core Competencies
  • Multi-particulate drug delivery systems
  • Sustained release dosage forms
  • Novel drug delivery systems
Career opportunities:
  • R&D scientist
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Academics
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Quality control
  • Medical device industry
  • Medical device specialist.
HOD's Message

"Dr.RajKumar Jampala, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics. A reputed academician, researcher and Professsional in the field of Pharmacy. He has 14 years of multifaceted experience in teaching and research. His efforts in research have publications of 15 papers in national and international journals and participated in 3 international, 15 national conferences"



(Pharmaceutics), Ph.D


  • Our vision is to be internationally and nationally recognize as a centre of excellence in pharmaceutics and drug delivery, as distinguished by our innovative work in research and education.
  • Our education / training mission is to provide student pharmacists and graduate students with a fundamental understanding of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical aspects of dosage form design, evaluation and manufacturing.
  • Our research mission is to conduct innovative research across the broad discipline of Pharmaceutics / biopharmaceutics and transfer new knowledge to external partners to improve drug delivery and patient care.


List of Major Equipment in Department of Pharmaceutics:
  • Tablet Compression Machine - CMAC (12 Station)
  • R & D Coater
  • Rapid Mixer Granulator
  • Rotary Evaporator
  • Stability Chamber
  • Brookfield Viscometer
  • BOD Incubator


S.No Name of the Faculty Qualification& Department Mobile Number Experience PCI Reg.No. / JNTUH ID Photo
Dr.J.Rajkumar Ph.D,M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) 9381272131 15


Mr.B.Ramesh M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) 9550843954 14


Mrs.M.Suma M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) 8186822558 7



M.Pharm Pharmaceutics

COs, POs & PSOs

 Pharmaceutics Ist Semester  ((Academic Year 2020-21); PCI Regulation)
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
MODERN PHARMACEUTICS I 6603AA   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the preformulation parameters, apply ICH guidelines andevaluate drug, drug excipients compatibility.
2 Know about formulation anddevelopment, use of excipients in tablets, powders, capsules, micro-encapsules and coating
3 know the statistical design in different formulations
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
6603AB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to 
1 Understand the factors affecting the bioavailability and stability ofdosage form
2 Know the bioequivalence studies and protocols for bioequivalent studies.
3 know the parameters for the disposition, absorption and Michaelis-Menton constants for nonlinearkinetics
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS 6603AC   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 know the rheology, absorption related to liquids and semi-solid dosage forms.
2 know particle size analysis method, solid dispersion, physics oftablets, polymer classification and its applications
3 know the factors affecting the dissolution
and solubility in related to invitro/invivo correlations.
4 know the stability calculations,shelf life calculations and accelerated stability studies.
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
COSMETICS AND COSMECEUTICALS 6603AF   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 know Regulatory biologicalaspects of cosmetics, excipients used for various formulations,
2 Know the designing of cosmeceuticals andherbal products
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND IPR 6603AJ 1 Understand research problem formulation.
2 Gaine knowledge Analyze research related information,
3 Know the  research ethics
4 Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information Technology, but
tomorrow world will be ruled by ideas, concept, and creativity
5 Understanding that when IPR would take such important place in growth of individuals & nation, it is needless to emphasis the need of information about Intellectual Property Right tobe promoted among students in general & engineering in particular.
6 Understand that IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for further research workand investment in R & D,whichleadsto creation of new and better products, and in turnbrings about, economic growth and social benefits.
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
MODERN PHARMACEUTICS I LAB 660301   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the preformulation studies of solid dosage forms,effect of compressional force on tablet disintegration time,micromeritic properties of powders and granules,effect of particle size on dissolution of tablets
2 Understand the Accelerated stability testing of different tablets
3 Know the Determination of first order, second order rate constants by acid and alkaline hydrolysis
4 Know Preparation and evaluation of beta cyclodextrin complexes of new drugs,Preparation of paracetamol tablets and comparison with marketed products
660302   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the dissolution by various data-kinetic modelling,Calibration curve of different API’s by UV/HPLC/HPTLC,Dissolution of immediate release, sustained release and delayed release,Evaluation of drug-protein binding analysis,Assignment of numerical problems, one compartment and two compartment disposition,method of residuals, AUC and evaluation of pharmacokinetic parameters,Calculation of Ka(absorption rate constant ) absorption curve- Wagner nelson method ,Loo-Riegel method.
2 Undersatand the Calculation of pharmacokinetics parameters of one compartment oral data and two
compartment IV data.Calculation of Urinary Pharmacokinetics,Calculation of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies
3 Understand Permeation studies of Franz diffusion cell

Pharmaceutics I-Year - IInd  Semester                                             
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
MODERN PHARMACEUTICS II 6603AV   Upon completion of the course student will be able to 
1 Understand the planning of pilot plant techniques used for all pharmaceutical dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, parenterals, aerosols, cosmetics.
2 Know thefilling of capsules, compression machines, sterilizers for formulation of parenterals
3 Understand the properties of propellants, DPI, MDI and their quality control
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS 6603AW   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principlesin the design of CDDS.
2 Know the design, evaluation and applications related to oral,parenteral, transdermal, implants, bioadhesives
3 Understand thetargeted drug delivery systems
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY 6603AX   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the machinery involved in milling, mixing, filteration,drying and packing material constructions used in the production of pharmaceutical materials.
2 Know the salient feature1s of GMP, TQM applicable in industry
3 Understand the effluenttreatments and prevent the pollution.
4  Know the evaluation and validation of analytical methods and processes
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
NUTRACEUTICALS 6603BB 1 The importance of Nutraceuticals in variouscommon problems with the concept of free radicals
2 KnowFood Laws and Regulations
3 Phytochemicals as nutraceuticals
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DISASTER MANAGEMENT 6603AM 1 learn to demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts in disaster risk reduction and
humanitarian response
2 critically evaluate disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response policy and practice from
multiple perspectives
3 develop an understanding of standards of humanitarian response and practical relevance in
specific types of disasters and conflict situations
4 critically understand the strengths and weaknesses of disaster management approaches
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number pharmacovigilance
MODERN PHARMACEUTICS II LAB 660303   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the Preparation and evaluation of mouth washes,cold creams and vanishing creams,calamine lotion,foundation creams and cleansing creams,antiseptic cream (turmeric),Film coated tablets,Floating tablets,Fast dissolving tablets,Chewable tablets
2 Understand the Effect of surfactant in in-vitro drug release
3 Know the oral rehydration solution (ORS),calcium carbonate tablets
ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM LAB 660304   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the diffusion of drugs through various polymeric membranes,Formulation and evaluation of sustained release oral matrix tablets,Formulation and evaluation of sustained release oral reservoir system,Formulation and evaluation of microspheres / microen capsules
2 Know the Study of in-vitro dissolution of various SR products in market
3 Know the Formulation and evaluation of transdermal films ,Formulation and evaluation mucoadhesive system
4 know the Preparation and evaluation enteric coated pellets / tablets

Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
SCALE UP AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 6603BB   Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Know the Manage the scale up process in pharmaceutical industry
2 Know theAssist in technology transfer
3 ToKnow the establish safety guidelines, which prevent industrial hazards
4 Know the  Process validation

M. Pharmacy II year II-Semester    ( PCI Regulation)
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
 RESEARCH WORK     Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Perform the work in the innovative and systematic way
2 Assemble the information into a more realistic draft ethically and conclude the contents.
3 Prepare the thesis by arranging the contents in a orderly manner and preparation of the research manuscript. 
Course Course Code Course Outcome Number Course Outcome
DISCUSSION/FINAL PRESENTATION     Upon completion of the course student will be able to
1 Prepare the presentation based on the results obtained in the research work
2 Explain outcome of their project along with further scope for research. This develops their oratory and leadership skills